Recommended Opportunities

UKRAINE Emergency Relief 2024

Odessa, UA
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional

Ukraine - Medical & Dental Mission (UA0924)

Sep 13-23, 2024
Odessa, UA
2 spots left
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional

Cuba - Medical & Dental Mission (CU1024)

Oct 12-20, 2024
Havana, CU
0 spots left
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional

Thailand - Medical & Dental Mission (TH1124)

Nov 1-17, 2024
Bangkok, TH
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional, family friendly, children

Our Impact

Use the map below to explore our upcoming opportunities, past opportunities, and a variety of other points of interest.

About Us

Serve with an established organization with over 50 years of experience in the field. We implement a proven medical/dental clinic model that is spearheaded by experienced team leaders and in country partners who have in depth understanding of the individual needs of the region. We are a small organization with a big heart that allows access to unique locations while maintaining a relational focus.


Blessed Reunions

By Margarite E Waller CRNP on 7/22/2024

Romania - Medical & Dental Mission (RO0724)

On my seventh trip to Romania with CERT I was thrilled to see old f...

Our Amazing Team!

By Kathi Karnosh on 8/11/2023

Moldova - Medical & Dental Mission (MD0723)

In 1st Timothy 6:18 says, They are to do good, to be rich in good w...

Medical Mission Calling My Heart

By Sarah Raelyn on 3/27/2021

Lebanon Refugee Camps - Medical & Dental Mission (HFL221)

Dear Family & Friends, I have been blessed with the opportunity ...


People Engaged with Christian Emergency Relief Teams International

Past Opportunities

Peruvian Andes Medical & Dental Mission (PE0724)

Jul 26 - Aug 5, 2024
Cusco, PE
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional, family friendly, children

Moldova - Medical & Dental Mission (MD0724)

Jul 13-21, 2024
Chisinau, MD
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional, family friendly, children

Romania - Medical & Dental Mission (RO0724)

Jul 5-13, 2024
Bucharest, RO
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional, family friendly, children

Uganda - Medical & Dental Mission (UG0624)

Jun 6-17, 2024
Apac, UG
2 spots left
volunteer, college, christian, student, medical, dental, nurse, professional, family friendly, children